2. What was the Khmer Rouge and why does Arn say, “Be invisible around these Khmer Rouge guys” (p. 21)? Does he manage to do that? How?
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The Khmer Rouge were a group of people that believed in Angka. They believe that only certain people are superior (the poor) and believe that Angka will provide all that they need. In other words, If you get caught by the Khmer Rouge with something that is yours, that nobody else has, they will punish you. In the story Arn says, “ Be invisible around these Khmer Rouge guys.” By that he means that one little mistake could lead to your death. Arn manages to be invisible by avoiding interaction with them as much as he can, and by doing things the Khmer Rouge would like. For instance, when in line for the Khmer Rouge to check people’s skin color, Arn rubs dirt on his face so he will look darker like one of them. That kept him a bit more invisible and alive for another day. He also uses this trick to make sure people who know him do not interact with him. A personal discussion could also lead to your death.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Gabe when he says "that one little mistake could lead to your death." That is very true, one example would be they boy who tried to get Arn in trouble and he had worked very hard but the one time he tripped the Khmer Rouge looked at him as if he was weak and lazy and they had killed him. I also agree about how Arn had managed to avoid interaction. This is very true at the start of his encampment, but once he became famous and everyone knew about him he had managed to just get away with interactions.
DeleteThe Khmer Rouge were a group of Cambodian revolutionaries who had invaded Arn's town and many towns like his own, and they forced the population to move into labor camps. The Khmer Rouge were a group who believed in Angka, that the poor should be the superior class for their hard work, and they believed that everyone should be equal and work on rice farms for a new age. When Arn said "Be invisible around these Khmer Rogue guys" he means to lay low and avoid attention. The Khmer Rouge had killed people who thought they were important or tried to oppose them. Arn didn't need the bigger challenge of survival with the Khmer Rouge looking for a small reason to have him killed. That's who the Khmer Rouge are and why Arn said to be invisible around them
ReplyDeleteI agree with Gabe when he says how Arn acted invisible when the khmer Rouge were checking peoples skin color. To blend in Arn put dirt on his face to be like everyone else. I also agree with Gabe when he says the Khmer Rouge believe the poor is the superior race. Most of the rich people, if not all, were killed by the Khmer Rouge. When Nolan says Arn avoided interaction with the Khmer Rouge, he is correct. At first Arn was deathly afraid of them, but as time went on and he got famous he started to interact more and more with them like Sombo. They became good friends.